#039 - Sean Moyles
#039 - Sean Moyles
Facebook Profile Link - https://www.facebook.com/sean.moyles.56/
So even though Mr Moyles is aware of what's happening and going on he makes this threat - with intent! More than happy to set a court date Sean?? I don't drop people messages - that's stalking ...
Offence Under Queensland Law
1. Unlawful Stalking:
Section 359B of Chapter 33A of the Queensland Criminal Code defines unlawful stalking as (a) intentionally directed at a person; (b) engaged in on any 1 occasion; and (c) consisting of 1 or more acts of the following, or a similar, type.
Section 359B(c)(iii) - contacting a person in any way, including, for example, by telephone, mail, fax, email or through the use of any technology;
Section 359B(c)(v) - giving offensive material to a person, directly or indirectly; and
Section 359B(c)(vi) - an intimidating, harassing or threatening act against a person, whether or not involving violence or a threat of violence;
Section 359B(d)(ii) - that causes detriment, reasonably arising in all the circumstances, to the stalked person or another person.
is under Section 359E(2) - guilty of a crime, penalty 5 years imprisonment.
Offence under Australian Federal Law
A person commits an offence if they use a carriage service to menace, harass or cause offence, according to the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth) section 474.17. A carriage service is defined in the Telecommunications Act 1997 (Cth) as, "a service for carrying communications by means for guided and/or unguided electromagnetic energy", pursuant to section 7 of the Act.
In simple terms, this could be taken to refer to social media communications, emails, text messages and calls.