Simon Charles Dorante-Day

My Investigation

#018 - Scott Bell AKA Numpty


#018 - Scott Bell 





The email "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. decided that he would go one step further and Unlawfully Stalk not just a person but a Registered Queensland Business.


He is not the first person to think they can utilise this form of Cyber Stalking to attack Dr. Elvianna's Business "First Nations Institute Australia (FNIA)".


He not only did it once but unsatisfied with his initial efforts unlawfully stalked on a second occasion.


I have passed this email communication stream over to the Minister of Police - Hon Mark Ryan MP as an example of what we are receiving.


As I stated to the Queensland Police


"This is not “criticism” in fact its factually incorrect! This is NOT “civil” this is “criminal” – it violates the Qld Criminal Code and is defined under Section 359B of Chapter 33A as Unlawful Stalking. Moreover, its targeted at a Narangba, Qld, Registered Business and at my wife. How would other Qld businesses react to receiving such mail?" 


Hot off the press - had I checked our email before I published this article, I would have seen Mr. Bell has now sent another two (2) messages today - he clearly wants Police attention. Hopefully, this will give him some. This also clearly demonstrates the influence of the FPDU and the influence Nikki Bowlden and Amanda Scott are having with their defamation, lies, and criminal activity.



Some people just don't get the message here we are at 1:17am Brisbane time and Numpty has emailed again 


As per the other emails forwarded to the Queensland Police and the appropriate authorities.




Now Numpty, changing email won't help when it shows the same IP Address - so you're not such a Smart Ninja 79!! Also, if you insist on using an unusual font in your emails you really are giving yourself away!!


You were told to get your Lawyer to contact me - not continue your harassment, unlawful stalking, and defamation! 






Criminal Action under Queensland Law


Section 359B of Chapter 33A of the Queensland Criminal Code defines unlawful stalking as (a) intentionally directed at a person; (b) engaged in on any 1 occasion; and (c) consisting of 1 or more acts of the following, or a similar, type. 


Section 359B(c)(iii) - contacting a person in any way, including, for example, by telephone, mail, fax, email or through the use of any technology;

Section 359B(c)(v) - giving offensive material to a person, directly or indirectly; and

Section 359B(c)(vi) - an intimidating, harassing or threatening act against a person, whether or not involving violence or a threat of violence;


Furthermore, under Section 359B(d)(ii) her action - causes detriment, reasonably arising in all the circumstances, to the stalked person or another person.


Additionally, Section 346 states that - Any person who assaults another with intent to hinder or prevent the other person from working at or exercising the other person’s lawful trade, business, or occupation, or from buying, selling, or otherwise commits a crime.



Offence under Australian Federal Law


A person commits an offence if they use a carriage service to menace, harass or cause offence, according to the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth). A carriage service is defined in the Telecommunications Act 1997 (Cth) as ‘a service for carrying communications by means for guided and/or unguided electromagnetic energy’, pursuant to s7 of the Act. In simple terms, this could be taken to refer to social media communications, emails, text messages and calls.